Monday Evening
September 11th, 2017
Good Evening
The birds are on there way to Alnwick and should be onsite around 1 am.
Birds not marked are NEHU MAD 6 Crook Wing , SU 445 Tired , GB Z 53145 , Z40655 , V34812 , C14388 late returns two of which came back today. GB V40875 Scalp front , N43713 Wing Damage , N10662 Bad leg and injured front.
Were hoping to get the 697 birds liberated at 07:45 will confirm this in the morning , will put the live clocking link on around 10am.
We have entrants coming from all over the UK if possible try to be onsite 12 noon or before we look forward to seeing you all.
The address to the loft is Pigeon House , Birtsmorton , WR13 6AS.