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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate Bird takes 44th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final.The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain)
Forum Syndicate 2019
Pigeon World Forum Syndicate also takes 100th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final. The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain) Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London 20497337-174028
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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate take 81st Place in the 2017 R.P.R.A. Final, with a Pigeon Bred and Supplied by Tumley Lofts Stud.Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Resise10
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Oldstrain/Darren`s Winner of winners. 2012.
Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Winnerofwin
From Fed Topper to Master Chef
Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Raypeel-1The N.E.H.U race from Melton Mowbray 21/4/2012 was won by Peel bros of South Shields, they took 1st club 1st fed, also taking 2nd and 4th club and 15 of the 25 birds clocked in the club......well done Peel brothers.
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 Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London

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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 4:33 pm


My name is Jessica Smith and I was directed here by a member of the forum. I am the Art Director on a feature film being shot in and around London from March 16th to April 3rd. In the film, there are two scenes in which pigeons are required. I do not know just yet which exact dates we will be filming the scenes with the pigeons just yet.

In the film, there are two scenes and two different locations around London, so there is a high possibility that the filming will be done at two days at specific locations and sets. One scene is consists of roughly 10 pigeons in a coop in a back garden. One of the actors takes a pigeon out, holds it, then places it back in the coop. The second scene consists of 5 pigeons being released from a basket by an actor on a roof top terrace.

If anyone is interested or may know of anyone interested in being involved in a feature film, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Thank you for your help!
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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 4:42 pm

lads this is genuine ,Jessica contacted me to see if I could help out but not being local and releasing birds in London its not ideal so any members in London or nearby could help out then get in touch with Jessica ....good luck with the project Jessica,darren Wink

ps it may help Jessica if you put up your e-mail address

Last edited by oldstrain on Wed Feb 25, 2015 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 5:00 pm

yes, seen this on other pigeon forums, hope you get sorted out............
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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 5:36 pm

Jessica to make it authentic please make sure the actors hold the pigeons correctly, nothing more frustrating as a fancier to see an actor holding them wrong and supposed to be a pigeon fancier, good luck plenty of genuine fanciers in London, please let us know when its on air.
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Don Webb
Don Webb

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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyWed Feb 25, 2015 10:26 pm

Jessica the best thing is to contact the R.P.R.A for numbers to the London Racing Pigeon Council

There are plenty of fanciers who are able to help you out but you need to contact the London Council first

Good luck hope all goes well
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Join date : 2013-03-11

Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London EmptyThu Feb 26, 2015 5:34 am

jdsmith022 wrote:

My name is Jessica Smith and I was directed here by a member of the forum. I am the Art Director on a feature film being shot in and around London from March 16th to April 3rd. In the film, there are two scenes in which pigeons are required. I do not know just yet which exact dates we will be filming the scenes with the pigeons just yet.

In the film, there are two scenes and two different locations around London, so there is a high possibility that the filming will be done at two days at specific locations and sets. One scene is consists of roughly 10 pigeons in a coop in a back garden. One of the actors takes a pigeon out, holds it, then places it back in the coop. The second scene consists of 5 pigeons being released from a basket by an actor on a roof top terrace.

If anyone is interested or may know of anyone interested in being involved in a feature film, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Thank you for your help!

I wish you all the best Jessica Smile Smile in your endeavours etc. I'm impressed you appear to wish to put a postive appearance to what you wish to do & one can only hope the local pigeon fraternity around London, can help you in a big way type of thing. Fools if they choose to knock back your kind offer, I would suggest but time will give us all, the answer to that one. cheers
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Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London   Pigeons for Feature Film Needed in London Empty

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