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mufc rick
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 7:45 am

I am coming back into the sport after a long break.

When I stopped racing pigeons we did not have ETS, so I know nothing about it - Can you Help!

How do I know which ETS system to buy - does it really depend on which clubs I am racing with - The National, BCC etc, or local club?

Can I use all rings for all types of ETS?

How do the rings go on the pigeons leg?

Do the rings have to be put on when the birds are very young - Like the RPRA rings?

Are the ring permanent or can they be taken off and put on another bird?

What sort of price is a ETS system?

Which is the best type t use?

Thanks in advance

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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 8:32 am

hi bluesky lofts, welcome to the forum....I restarted approx. 5 years ago and am also new to ETS, and havnt used it yet, our club has bought all members one last season but ive decided to stick with the T3 for now, as I say I don't know much about it but heres my views.

our club have bought the bricon speedy which looks a decent clock, and easy to use, I think you can use it for up to 8 races at the same time, and can be used for any type of racing.

I don't think you can use any ring for any ETS system.

rings clip round the pigeons leg, or I think you can still use the combi life ring and the chip clips into this ( not 100% sure)

no , you best put ring on leg once your birds have been trained just before racing, then you don't loose birds with ETS ring on needlessly .

yes rings can be re used on other birds once you have updated info for that bird.

I think the bricon speedy is around £249 with pad etc....altho there is a new model now called the xtreme which is an up dated version.

I think ETS rings are around £1.30 each.

hope this helps, but like I say, this is only a basic idea of what ive heard or seen...ive not used ETS so don't take what I say as truth.....other members will be more clued up on it than me.
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mufc rick
mufc rick

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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 8:36 am

think david has it spot on Very Happy
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: ETS   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 8:43 am

mufc rick wrote:
think david has it spot on Very Happy

Thanks Dave - SPOT ON!

Cheers for now

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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:12 am

mufc rick wrote:
think david has it spot on Very Happy

Could I suggest Smile Smile our new member here bounce bounce not buy one etc till he actually finds out what Electronic clock his new club, may or may not have/use. May just save Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes some pain to his pocket. cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:18 am

I think you may be right knackered, although one of our members has decided to buy his own which is a different make....they say it only needs a different lead, but that's all ive heard.
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:21 am

David wrote:
I think you may be right knackered, although one of our members has decided to buy his own which is a different make....they say it only needs a different lead,  but that's all ive heard.

yes david he needs a unives lead especially if he travels to specialist clubs Wink
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:24 am

as knackered said he is best waiting to talk to members of his new club they will keep him right he may be lucky and join a club like ours who have spares Wink
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:26 am

David wrote:
I think you may be right knackered, although one of our members has decided to buy his own which is a different make....they say it only needs a different lead,  but that's all ive heard.

MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm Wink Wink would that be advise Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes coming from an expert David  Smile  Smile or one of those gurus bounce bounce that know's everything  lol!  lol!  lol! about everthing, as such. cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:45 am

I don't know knackered, like I say ETS is alien to me....its just one of those "nuggets" you hear at club meetings while my mouth is shut and ears open.... Razz Razz cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 10:52 am

David wrote:
I don't know knackered, like I say ETS is alien to me....its just one of those "nuggets"  you hear at club meetings while my mouth is shut and ears open.... Razz Razz cheers

great timing system david but like a lot of things expensive affraid
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 8:29 pm

best thing ever ets no hassle bricon or unikon both good systems
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VanReet Man123
VanReet Man123

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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 8:41 pm

Our club all have Benzing they got a grant for 12,systems never had any problems with it we got our own system then we can do wot we want.
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 9:38 pm

yes this was a topic discussed sunday at our club meeting...the cricket club where we have our HQ donated £5,000 for us to buy every member an ETS system, they bought the bricon speedy, but the clocks remain the property of the cricket club.........then we had the quarrelling over members using the ETS for mid week racing in another club or open races etc, so a rule was made that they have to send in our club to enable them to use the ETS in another club , also if no racing in our club for 6 consecutive weeks the ETS is handed back to the club.......
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Don Webb
Don Webb

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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 10:34 pm

David wrote:
hi bluesky lofts, welcome to the forum....I restarted approx. 5 years ago and am also new to ETS, and havnt used it yet, our club has bought all members one last season but ive decided to stick with the T3 for now, as I say I don't know much about it but heres my views.

our club have bought the bricon speedy which looks a decent clock, and easy to use, I think you can use it for up to 8 races at the same time, and can be used for any type of racing.

I don't think you can use any ring for any ETS system.

rings clip round the pigeons leg, or I think you can still use the combi life ring and the chip clips into this ( not 100% sure)

no , you best put ring on leg once your birds have been trained just before racing, then you don't loose birds with ETS ring on needlessly .

yes rings can be re used on other birds once you have updated info for that bird.

I think the bricon speedy is around £249 with pad etc....altho there is a new model now called the xtreme which is an up dated version.

I think ETS rings are around £1.30 each.

hope this helps, but like I say, this is only a basic idea of what ive heard or seen...ive not used ETS so don't take what I say as truth.....other members will be more clued up on it than me.

Think David has hit the nail on the head with this info

Bluesky Lofts welcome to the site hope you enjoy and have input
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 10:45 pm

David wrote:
yes this was a topic discussed sunday at our club meeting...the cricket club where we have our HQ donated £5,000 for us to buy every member an ETS system, they bought the bricon speedy, but the clocks remain the property of the cricket club.........then we had the quarrelling over members using the ETS for mid week racing in another club or open races etc, so a rule was made that they have to send in our club to enable them to use the ETS in another club , also if no racing in our club for 6 consecutive weeks the ETS is handed back to the club.......

At a rough conversion etc David Smile Smile either your in a small club as such Wink Wink or we are being ripped off down here Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes. Around $2000, once you add the bits & pieces & the Benzing man here, told a certain little fat bloke lol! lol! lol! just the other day, he sold 4 pads to a new flyer to help him get his mob through the traps on race day & that was a mere 1500 odd dollars I'm told. No wonder I stick with my old STB as even the EC rings are around the $2/3 mark on top of our normal rings. cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyMon Mar 07, 2016 10:59 pm

VanReet Man123 wrote:
Our club all have Benzing they got a grant for 12,systems never had any problems with it we got our own system then we can do wot we want.

For what I've seen down here V/R/man  Smile  Smile the Benzing system works well & is one of the more popular clocks as such & to give credit where credit is due bounce bounce Clarkie, the Benzing man "Old sparring partner" lol! lol! lol! gives 120% & more in the after sales service area etc & I consider that has to be an important issue of any system one may use/choose. cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyTue Mar 08, 2016 12:43 am

I think they bought 18 or 19 ETS systems knackered, we do have some none flying members but I was under the impression we had more than 19 members, but must have been mistaken...... scratch
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyTue Mar 08, 2016 3:51 am

David wrote:
yes this was a topic discussed sunday at our club meeting...the cricket club where we have our HQ donated £5,000 for us to buy every member an ETS system, they bought the bricon speedy, but the clocks remain the property of the cricket club.........then we had the quarrelling over members using the ETS for mid week racing in another club or open races etc, so a rule was made that they have to send in our club to enable them to use the ETS in another club , also if no racing in our club for 6 consecutive weeks the ETS is handed back to the club.......

Credit to your cricket club David Smile Smile Oh to be so lucky bounce bounce etc. Here Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes you would be lucky to get a burnt sausage lol! lol! lol! from our local cricket club & then they would charge us all for the piece of stale bread, for desert Wink Wink. cheers
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ETS - Electronic Timing System Empty
PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyTue Mar 08, 2016 5:26 am

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PostSubject: Re: ETS - Electronic Timing System   ETS - Electronic Timing System EmptyTue Mar 08, 2016 7:08 pm

halcanada wrote:
Aussie stuff.

Interesting Hal Smile Smile I often wondered where my champion black pied etc finished up. Now I know lol! lol! lol! it's become an up town snob bounce bounce leeding the good life Wink Wink. cheers
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