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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate Bird takes 44th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final.The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain)
Forum Syndicate 2019
Pigeon World Forum Syndicate also takes 100th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final. The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain) Declining sport again. 20497337-174028
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Forum Syndicate 2017
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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate take 81st Place in the 2017 R.P.R.A. Final, with a Pigeon Bred and Supplied by Tumley Lofts Stud.Declining sport again. Resise10
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Declining sport again. Raypeel-1The N.E.H.U race from Melton Mowbray 21/4/2012 was won by Peel bros of South Shields, they took 1st club 1st fed, also taking 2nd and 4th club and 15 of the 25 birds clocked in the club......well done Peel brothers.
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Declining sport again. Empty
PostSubject: Declining sport again.   Declining sport again. EmptySat Mar 10, 2018 12:24 am

Posted this to a comment in the AC site.
David it is not all gloom and doom! Dave Ottaway moved to the East Coast, Nova Scotia and the club there is now thriving. Seems to be far as I can surmise. I guess it depends on location/area lots of times. Raptors are a problem in some areas. But think back or research. Many years ago they were in decline. So people interested in them helped the population grow. At the same time pigeon racing was thriving. New fliers all the time. So. Very many more pigeons around. Over bred. Fed the raptors to a great extent. All is in balance. The smart raptors survive by catching enough to thrive on. The smart pigeons thrive by not being caught by them. I have Coopers around here and the occasional Peregrine plus some Goshawks etc,. Young birds will be out soon as weather clears. For the first time. They have noticed the hawks and feral pigeons. They are either smart or unlucky. But, not usually a problem. Asian countries are thriving with pigeon racing. So many big money birds go there. So how come they cannot breed their own? All offspring go to big money races and are lost? There will always be a market for champion pigeons. Surprised Tmak has not tapped in to that yet. His will be equal to what they import anyway.
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Declining sport again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Declining sport again.   Declining sport again. EmptySat Mar 10, 2018 5:12 am

halcanada wrote:
Posted this to a comment in the AC site.
David it is not all gloom and doom! Dave Ottaway moved to the East Coast, Nova Scotia and the club there is now thriving. Seems to be far as I can surmise. I guess it depends on location/area lots of times. Raptors are a problem in some areas. But think back or research. Many years ago they were in decline. So people interested in them helped the population grow. At the same time pigeon racing was thriving. New fliers all the time. So. Very many more pigeons around. Over bred. Fed the raptors to a great extent. All is in balance. The smart raptors survive by catching enough to thrive on. The smart pigeons thrive by not being caught by them. I have Coopers around here and the occasional Peregrine plus some Goshawks etc,. Young birds will be out soon as weather clears. For the first time. They have noticed the hawks and feral pigeons. They are either smart or unlucky. But, not usually a problem. Asian countries are thriving with pigeon racing.  So many big money birds go there. So how come they cannot breed their own? All offspring go to big money races and are lost?  There will always be a market for champion pigeons. Surprised Tmak has not tapped in to that yet. His will be equal to what they import anyway.
Good read type story what Dave Ottaway appears to have achieved Hal Smile Smile. Always thou been fascinated by the poor uptake of pigeon flyers in America etc on average. Perhaps Dave could export his formula there & help them all to grow Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes could just help with the trade balance thing Wink Wink. cheers
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