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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate Bird takes 44th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final.The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain)
Forum Syndicate 2019
Pigeon World Forum Syndicate also takes 100th Place, in the 2019 RPRA One Loft Final. The Bird is Frans Zwol Bloodline, Bred and supplied by Darren Palmer (Oldstrain) W & P Brown & M Brown 20497337-174028
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Pigeon World Forum Syndicate take 81st Place in the 2017 R.P.R.A. Final, with a Pigeon Bred and Supplied by Tumley Lofts Stud.W & P Brown & M Brown Resise10
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 W & P Brown & M Brown

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PostSubject: W & P Brown & M Brown   W & P Brown & M Brown EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 6:43 pm

This is one of the first articles i wrote

W & P Brown Of St Helens I Have known Bill, Pat & Mark for a number of years and it is with pleasure that I write this report.

Bill has kept pigeons for most of his life, and one of his first memories is of his mother bringing two birds home for him in her shopping bag from a local fancier so it was expected that he would come into the racing game. He flew in Earlstown F,C in 1975.

The partnership of W Brown and Son ( Mark ) was formed and they won their very first young bird race, but that just proved to be a false start, as Bill says they won nothing else that year.

Their first real success came in 1996 when they finished highest prize winners in Earlstwon F,C . Bill and Mark now fly in the strong Burtonwood club which is affiliated to the Merseyside Federation, Earstown F,C, which is affiliated to the County Federation and the Two Counties Combine.

1998 was a season that brought them to the fore front of pigeon racing 5 x 1st Merseyside Federation, making them the highest prizewinners in the above organisation. The season kicked off on April 4th Ludlow where they finished 8th,9th,10th club, little did they know what was to happen.

They were 1st merseyside Federation Cheltenham 2383 birds, 1st Merseyside Federation Yeovil 2306 birds 1st Merseysde Feration Weymouth 1805 birds. 1st,2nd,3rd,4th Merseyside Federation Cheltenham 1482 birds. 1st Merseyside federation Ludlow Y/B 1873 birds,2nd Merseyside FederationWeymouth 2247 birds ,3rd Merseyside Federation Mangotsfield 2468 birds , 3rd Merseyside Federation Cheltenham 2586 birds.

The old bird land averages of Merseyside Federation and bird of the year Merseyside Federationin 1998, they also took many other positions within the federation top 20 ,plus on top of this aprox £1,200 in specialist racing you could say they had a terrific season.

The birds they housed in 1998 were Staf Van Reets from Lezah Lofts ( Dave Hazel ) Tranquillity Lofts ( Mr & Mrs Tony mardon ) Dean Pallet, Roy Torkington Bell brother Janssenswhich are from A Incledon of Oakviila Lofts. Lefre Dhaenens which came through local fanciers Herd & Kenyon.

Some of the stars were :-

Double 0 a cheq van reet cock which had 5 x 1st including 2 x1st fed, 1 x 2nd fed and Mersyside bird of the year.
Unlucky a schailie Janssen cock which as 7 x 1st and 14 x 2nds.
Big Mick cheq oied cock Lefebre Dhaenens with 6x 1st.

Over the next couple of seasons they won their fair share of prize winners. In 2004 the young birds won all averages, 3 x 1st, 2 x 2nd Merseyside federation from 9 young bird races.

But in 2005 a new beginning was the formation of PGW Stud, The birds to be housed were Janssens - Bertus timmer ( Direct ) Via Oakvilla Stud, hartog via Spinola Lofts, Gaby vandeneabeele, P,J,Lofts ( First pair were bought as a birthday present for Mark of his partner Clare ) M,D,evans bloodlines from various sources, Staf Van Reets via Tommy Whitehead ( Preston ), and the Meldert & Soontjens via Foxwood Lofts.

The formation of the stud was confirmed following the breeding of 1st Northwest Classic £10K Furturity winner for Harrison & Hull. They said that they agreed firstly that this family, which we had brought in had potential must continue to prove themselves on the road for a further season before an advert would be placed in the BHW, and other members would be able to share in our success. This was slightly delayed following the relocation of Mark down south due to work commitments, the stock loft also relocated and will be based with Mark in Hungerford, where he will also formulate a race team to commence to race with young birds in the 2007 season, with Billy continuing to successfully race in the above organisations. The Stud would now be known as PGW North & South.

2006 was outstanding with this family of pigeons taking 30 x 1st resulting in being highest prize winners in Burtonwood H,S Earlstwon F,C & Earlstwon Midweek club.

Burtonwood H,S ( Av 200 brds ) 6 x 1st, 5 x 2nds, 3 x 3rd 1 x 4th, 4 x 5th 4 x 6th.
Merseyside Federation ( Av 1900brds ) 3 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 1 x 3rd, 3 x 4th, 4 x 5th 4 x 6th
Earslstown F,C, (av 150 brds ) 6 x 1st, 6 x 2nd, 3 x 3rd, 3 x 4th 4 x 5th, 4 x 6th
County Federation ( av 1000 brds ) 3 x1st 1 x 2nd, 3 x3rd 1 x 4th, 2 x 5th, 1 x 6th.
Two Counties Combine ( av 2000 brds ) 3 x 1st, 1 x 2nd, 1 x 3rd, 1 x 4th, 1 x 5th
Three Counties Combine ( av4000 brds ) 1 x 2nd
Earlstown Midweek club ( av 125 brds ) 5 x 1st 2 x 2nd 5 x 3rd 3 x 4th 2 x 5th 3 x 6th
Earlstwon Midweek 5 bird club ( 4 races only ) 2 x 1st, 2 x 2nd, 2 x 3rd 2 x 4th, 4 x 5th
Northwest Classic Club ( Section C ) 2 x 1st, 1 x 2nd, 1 x 4th.

Just a couple of outstanding performers in 2006 : -
"33" Cock 1st club, 1st county fed, 1st two counties combine mangotsfield, 1st club,1st county fed 1st two counties combine 2nd three counties combine Fourgeres, now retired to stock, and is sire of three x individual winners including Fed level and G/Sire of 2 x 1st Combine winners.

"08" Hen 1st club 1st county fed, 1st two counties combine Yeovil 06 1st club, 1st county fed, 1st two counties combine Cheltenham 07.

For the 2007 season, with mark now being down south, Bill changed the racing name of the partnership to W & P Brown the P being Patricia Bills lovely wife, word was now going around how Bill would do now that Mark had moved, but Bill and Pat had no worries on that score. Pat took to the routine like a duck to water, during training Pat was up at the crack of dawn to get the birds in from the training toss and fed, and when I say the crack of dawn Bill was away up the road at 04.30 And Pat was up with him.

Pat also took control of the afternoon exercise period, where all birds were out cleaned and back in for 14.00 fed and locked down for the day, here are the results for the 2007 season and as you can see all the hard work put in my Bill and Pat paid off;

2007 season

Burtonwood H,S, (av 250 brds ) 6 x 1st 6 x 2nd 2 x 4th 2 x 5th 3 x 6th
Merseyside federation ( Av 2500 brds ) 4 x 1st 3 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 1 x 4th 1 x 6th they took 28 positions in the fed as well as being 3rd old bird inland points, 3rd young bird inland points , 3rd best old bird combined, runner-up best young bird sending an average of 25 young birds
Earlstown F,C, (av 200brds ) 8 x 1st 7 x 2nd, 6 x 3rd, 7 x 4th and they won all five averages
County Federation ( av 1000brds ) 4 x 1st 1 x 3rd 3 x 5th 2 x 5th
Two Counties Combine ( av 2000 brds ) 2 x 1st 2 x 2nd 1 x 3rd 2 x 6th, 2 x 9th
Earlstown Midweek club 3 x 1st 4 x 2nd 2 x 3rd 1 x 4th 1 x 5th 2 x 6th and the old bird averages Bill and Pat only sent to the old birds race.
A couple more star preformers :-
"67" Cock 1st club 1st fed & 1st club 2nd fed 2007
"70" hen winner of 6 x 1st prizes in 04/05/06/07
"71" Cock winner of 11 x 2nd prizes in club, 4 x 2nd prizes in fed & ! x 2nd prize in combine.

The Loft set up is 48 ft long L shaped this is the race loft split into 5 sections 2 for cocks 1 for hens and 2 for young birds, each of the cock section hold 12 widowhood cocks with 24 hens in the 3rd section, and they breed 50-60 young birds to race.

The widowhood cocks are trained for two weeks prior to the first race, after that they are given just loft exercise, unless the feel they need to give them a livener.

The feeding is the normal widowhood broken down with dupurative and built up as the week progresses with Teurling widowhood mix, in the water they use :-
Sat return from race Electrolites/ tee
sun adherb mon clean water, tue adherb, wed aviform, thur multivits fri cleanwater

The Birds are are exercised in the morning at first light. Then at 1300hrs by Bills Wife Pat, who then feeds them in for the day. Bill says Pat has now become a very important part of the set up , now that Mark is down south, and without her would find it very difficult to achieve what they have done.

The 50-60 young birds are raced on the darkness system. Here Pat lets them out mid morning for exercise, while the birds are out Pat cleans the lofts then feeds them in. Training of the young birds start about 26th June first being at 5 mile working up to 30 miles. Training is carried out first thing in a morning, being at the liberation point between 05.45-06.00hrs, they find it easier to do this system because after working all day the last thing the want to do is go down the road sitting in rush hour traffic.

The stock loft is located with Mark down in Hungerford and house the 12 pair of stock birds, Mark will also have a racing loft where the birds will be flying in the Wantage Club and BICC with young birds in 2007.

As For Medication the pigeons are only wormed, cankered and Coxid and vacinated for pmv, they do not treat blindley but seek medical help if needed

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W & P Brown & M Brown Empty
PostSubject: Re: W & P Brown & M Brown   W & P Brown & M Brown EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 7:23 pm

excellent reading ken, they have done their fair share of winning and are very effecient in their fanciers by the looks of it, Very Happy seems marks had a good teacher in his dad. cheers

well done to all.... Very Happy
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Don Webb
Don Webb

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PostSubject: Re: W & P Brown & M Brown   W & P Brown & M Brown EmptySat Mar 13, 2010 9:18 pm

Ken there's no stopping you now mate brilliant write up cheers cheers
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W & P Brown & M Brown Empty
PostSubject: Re: W & P Brown & M Brown   W & P Brown & M Brown EmptySun Mar 14, 2010 6:19 pm

Hi Don i did this one awhile ago, and thought the members would like to see it and also see what fantastic results the Browns have achieved, to me they work hard and are totaly dedicated to their families of birds
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Don Webb
Don Webb

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W & P Brown & M Brown Empty
PostSubject: Re: W & P Brown & M Brown   W & P Brown & M Brown EmptyMon Mar 15, 2010 9:00 am

Kee p it going mate, you have my 100% back up brilliant cheers cheers
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